Size of Product ▶️200G▶️600G
Ingredients : Textured Soy Protein, Textured Wheat Protein,Seaweed,Salt,Sesame Oil. Contains Soybeans and Sesame.
Cooking Instructions: Product must be fully cooked prior to consumption.
Ramuan : Protein Soya Bertekstur, Protein Gandum Bertekstur, Rumpai Laut, Garam, Minyak Bijan.Mengandungi Kacang Soya dan Bijan.
Arahan Memasak: Produk mesti dimasak sepenuhnya sebelum dimakan.
Made from high quality soy protein, our Homey Vegetarian Tropical Fish serves you a rich source of essential amino acids your body needs to maintain a balanced diet hence good health! Steamed, grilled, breaded, fried; you name it! 热带鱼含有较多的蛋白质,所以是人们补充蛋白质的最佳来源之一。它的原材料——豆制品,除了可以降胆固醇,还可抗癌。热带鱼的煮法多样化,无论是切片油炸、红烧、糖醋、水煮、清蒸都可以
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