Size of Product▶️ 200g / 1 kg
Ingredients : Mushroom,Salt,Sugar,Pepper Powder,Vege Seasonings.
Hearty and versatile ; vegan-friendly and low in calories! Take healthy meals to a new level with our succulent and remarkably meaty texture Homey Hericium Mushroom! Commonly known as Monkey Head Mushroom, it offers a range of health benefits including antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflmmatory as well as tonify and promote healthy digestion! Absolutely a perfect all-natural meat substitute for your favourite recipes!
猴头菇有健脾和胃,滋补身体等功效,多吃可以促进消化,帮助肠胃顺畅。希望每个胃不适的伙伴都可以养好自己的胃! 菌菇类是纯天然最接近肉的口感和香味的食材,可以在这道菜的最后加一些牛肝菌油,香气更统一。
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